Personalisiertes Manjuu Plüsch

Normaler Preis$7.20
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Produktname Manjuu-Plüsch
MOQ 5 Stück/Design
Größe 7,5 cm im Durchmesser
Zubehör Kleine Ohren, lange Ohren, Hörner, Schwanz, BB-Pfeife
Geschätzte Versandkosten, Produktionszeit
Anpassbar Zubehör, Design


Runder Plüsch-Schlüsselanhänger
Die angepassten Manjuu-Plüschtiere können entsprechend dem vom Kunden bereitgestellten Muster und Design angepasst werden. Zubehör umfasst kleine Ohren, lange Ohren, Hörner, Schwanz, BB-Pfeife und Perlenkette. Der benutzerdefinierte Manjuu-Plüsch von Vograce besteht aus kurzem Plüsch + PP-Baumwolle, die sehr weich und bequem ist. Das gedruckte Muster wird nicht abblättern.

Customer Reviews

Based on 22 reviews
Eliot W.

I made a design for one of these just on a whim, thinking it would be funny if it turned out well, and it really did! It is a little more expensive than the rest of the keychains on here, but that does make sense considering it's more labor-intensive to make and needs more materials. The template included is pretty easy to understand too, and the fact that there is a template at all is a great help!! Overall, really impressed with the quality, price, and shipping speed as usual!

Lazlo P.

These came out AMAZING!!! I was worried because I had troubles with visualizing the ears on the template but Tom C. was extremely helpful and assured me that it would turn out the way I wanted. The production team even sent pictures before they shipped them to make sure everything looked good. The stuffing is firm and consistent and the printing & colors are spot-on. I am so, so happy with them! Thank you guys so much!

Love my little tinies

Manjuu plush came out great! He’s so soft and squishy, I squeeze him daily. I wanted to make these’d cuz there’s no Itsuki merch so I though I’d make some myself.

Jennifer M.
Best Manjuu plush!

The manjuu plush came out nicely. If you follow the instructions to design the plush, the print will not look weird! So mine came out perfect and soft and a lil firm but also a bit squishy. What more can I say? I love Vograce!

Marina B.

I included a little example of what I wanted the manjuu to end up looking like in my PSD file and Vograce has completely nailed it! She turned out perfectly and I adore her so much!

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