Vograce Weekly Artist: Kawaiikatco

Welcome to Weekly Artist Journal! Today we will introduce our first weekly artist: @Kawaiikatco!

Hi dear we would like to know more your art – What inspired your artwork and how did it begin?
I’ve always enjoyed drawing since I was a young kid! Disney was always my biggest inspiration when it came to being an artist and it’s stuck with me all those years. I really cracked down and got serious when I hit high school, I knew I wanted to be an artist in some form as a job. I started to find myself in my art and always got so much enjoyment with drawing super cute animals, which is what I still do today!

Biggest dream for now? What would you love to achieve?
I’m aspiring to be a children's book illustrator and have at least one book I illustrated published and in stores! It always love finding new artists in the children's section and get so much inspiration and motivation to keep going for it!
If you could have a lifetime supply of any Vograce Product, which one you choose? We’re just curious…
Charms! I’ve always loved the quality and they sell super well for me!

Biggest challenge you have faced so far as an illustrator?
Finding a rep for my work. Being an illustrator is a tough thing. There’s competition around every corner, and sometimes I find it hard to stand out. I’ve sent my portfolio to a handful of agencies to no avail. Though this does give me the chance to take a step back and study more “trending” types of art in the kid lit world.
What is the biggest curveball that has been thrown at you since starting your business, and how did you conquer it?
Gaining an audience. That’s a huge thing you need to start selling products. I started out on Etsy, so my customers were brought to me. I’ve been working hard on Twitter to make myself known and bring my own traffic by doing trends and participating in those “post your art below” posts I’d see! It’s worked so far and I’ve also made so many good friends in the small business community!

Have you got any amazing releases planned?
I’ll hopefully be having a crowdfunding for my very first enamel pins this summer!
Through art, how much extra money do you have every month, you can give a certain range
It depends a lot on the sales in that month. Last month as an example, I made roughly $160. I don’t really consider it “extra” as of course every penny goes back into my shop whether it be products or supplies!
What is your social media?
And finally where can we purchase your amazing work?
You can purchase my products at Kawaiikatco.bigcartel.com !

Hi tell the world your crazy or great art, we open a new section, welcome to fill in with your great art ideas, we will display your information, ideas, and store on social media and website.
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