How can I check my order on the new system of Vograce?
Glad to tell you my sweet customers that it brings about many convenience between us for the upgrade of our Vograce system.And i'm here to introduce you step by step the new function on how to check your order status.Now let's read it clearly which will benefit you soon or later.
Step 1 : Login your account

As you can see above , once you open our site please login your account .
Or if you are a new customer ,you can creat a new account ,then login your account.
Then you can check the status of your account as below:

Step 2 : Check your order on order history
● the pending status:
1. Once you have an order on Vograce , at first the order status is : Pending
2. It usally happened at the first time you finished your order ,in this time our salesman haven't deal with your order now.
Here is an example of the pending order status, please check it below:

● Processing artwork proof
When the order status is :Processing artwork proof(If you have ordered more than 5 (keychains, buttons, standees, stickers, pillows) or have special requirements, we will offer you with proof/cutlines for confirm)
1. Here is an example of the Processing artwork proof order status , please check it below:

2. In this time you will receive an email with the suffix :
( The salesman in charge of your order will send you an email with the suffix )
And the Email content is sent to told you that your order has started to be processed,the Artwork Proof will be sent within 2 working days.In this time our salesman haven't deliver your renderings to the system.
Here is an example of the email content,please check it below:

●Please confirm your artwork proof
When the order status is : Please confirm your artwork proof
1. Here is an example of the Please confirm your artwork proof order status , please check it below:

2. Click " to be confirmed proof" then pop up a dialog (as you can see below) .

▪First : click the " Artwork Proof " to check your renderings
▪Second: you can choose "Yes " or "No"
▪Last: ①It's ok ,then click "Yes " and "Submit" .
②or if you have any problem such as you need change the renderings
→ fiirst click "No" ,
→ second , write your reject reason on the dialogue .
→ third , please upload your Modify reference.
→ Fourth , click "Submit". Or you can also email at the salesman
of your order ( the email with the suffix
Here is an example of OF the step of submit your reject reason , please check it below:

3 . Another way to check your order status:
Of course you will receive an email from :
And the Email content is told you that your order rendering should be confirmed.
It's another way you can check your order renderings here: Just click : "Go Verify" ,then the checking step is same as ponit 2.

●On production (estimated delivery time:xx/xx-xx/xx)
When the order status is : On production (estimated delivery time:xx/xx-xx/xx)
1. Here is an example of the On production (estimated delivery time:xx/xx-xx/xx) order status , please check it below:

2. In this time you will receive an email from :
And the Email content is told you that your order is ready and the expected deliver date.
Here is an example of the email content, please check it below:

●Shipped,Tracking number: xxxxxxx
When the order status is : Shipped,Tracking number: xxxxxxx
1. It means your order is on the way to you , just waiting for the goods ariving.
Here is an example of the Shipped,Tracking number: xxxxxxx order status , please check it below: