They look amazing! I'm so glad I decided to try it out on two of my designs, would recommend!
These are def one of my favorite things to order! They're SO bright it's crazy. Print quality, as always, really good. Tho I'd advise being careful with dark colors.
I was nervous that the amount of detail I requested might be to much for a small 4 inch keychain. But it turned out extremely well and I absolutely love it! The colours were perfectly matched to the original drawing! Along with there being zero misprints in any of the lines!
The colors came out bright, but they are a little less punchy/bright than my original art. But the glowing is super intense and awesome! I charged them under a UV/blacklight, so I'm not sure how well they do just under the sun. Mine are 3 inches and they have epoxy on the front.
I got an upgrade to have double sided epoxy finish and an extra charm added underneath (which you can get if you ask)
quality is really great, epoxy creates a lovely feel, 100% recommend adding it as it makes a difference!
Glow works really well but needs to be 'charged' by being in the light!
It's good to keep in mind the glowing area will be a certain colour, green in my case, so matching it to parts of the design with the same colour is best!
Really happy with these and how they came out, they are really gorgeous!