Adding Window Privacy Using Custom Sand Glitter Frosted Stickers



It’s a blend of glitter and privacy with Custom Sand Glitter Frosted Stickers. The incredibly beautiful custom stickers  enhance surface appearance by giving a glittery outcome. Custom Sand Glitter Frosted Stickers hold remarkable uses as they are perfect for mugs, laptops, water bottles, fridges, and more.

To expand usability Custom Sand Glitter Frosted Stickers are going commercial to work as privacy Frosted stickers or decals. It’s easy to design exclusive frosted stickers for doors and windows for your home or office.

Customizing Custom Sand Glitters Frosted Stickers for a personalized effect

Custom Sand Glitter Frosted Stickers are easy to personalize as they come in multiple features. The customization factors allow for unique designs and effects. Regardless of the size and usage, one can modify or create their preferred custom sand glitter frosted stickers to fit their desires.

From the image/anime, color to size and shape, custom sand glitters frosted stickers give unimaginable customization choices.  You can identify and express your personality with the Custom Sand Glitter Frosted Stickers.

Custom Sand Glitters Frosted Stickers have fascinating features

Size choice

Custom Sand Glitters Frosted Stickers are well-crafted based on purpose and client requirements. For standard use, the stickers take up reasonable sizes to fit on specific surfaces. However, for doors and windows, one might require an extra size frosted sticker.

  • 2” (50.8mm)
  • 5” (63.5mm)
  • 3” (76.2mm)
  • 5” (88.9mm)
  • 4 “(101.6 mm)
  • 5 “ (114.3mm)
  • 5” (127mm)
  • 5” (139.7)
  • 6” (152.4mm)
  • 1” (25.4mm)
  • 5” (38.1mm)

Color and image options

Amazingly, you can enjoy multiple colors and pet designs. The Custom Sand Glitter Frosted Stickers are also gender sensitive as one can select their referred anime and color. It’s also possible to create animal related images for your frosted stickers.

Custom Sand Glitter Sticker's special characteristics

Custom Sand Glitter Stickers contain special characteristics that are inevitable as they stand out from other frosted stickers.

  • Incredibly sparkly with beautiful presentation.
  • It’s non-fading thus retaining the vibrant colors
  • Vast color and pet selection.
  • A sticky back side (no peeling off).
  • Grainy glittery texture.
  • Easy to customize to fit user’s needs.
  • HD print quality.
  • Easily detachable.

Custom Sand Glitter Frosted Stickers for Privacy use

Customization is pretty broad and offers solutions to uprising issues. Today one can transform their office or home with a combination of decoration and privacy stickers. The Custom Sand Glitter Frosted Sticker uses extend beyond the laptop, and water bottle surfaces. The Frosted Stickers are great privacy film for huge windows and doors.

Businesses and homeowners utilize the fascinating frosted stickers to blur windows but allow sufficient light. Custom Sand Glitter Frosted Stickers play a significant role in adding beautiful privacy functionality. They are appealing, secure, and transparent making them the ideal window film/sticker.

Benefits of Custom Sand Glitter Frosted Sticker on window and doors

Besides the privacy factor, custom sand glitter frosted stickers provide more vibrant benefits to users.

  • The decorative touch as one can design their preferred sticker logo or image.
  • Frosted stickers break the appearance of monotony by adding color and images to the window, wall, or doors.
  • The Frosted stickers display multiple visual effects based on the type of sticker or film used.
  • The transparency and privacy levels differ according to the user's desires.
  • Custom Sand Glitter Frosted Stickers are easy to install and can be shaped to give different designs.
  • Frosted stickers help save energy and reduce the amount of light and heat expected through the windows or glass doors.
  • The films are easy to remove and replace.
  • Frosted stickers are durable and take years before damaging if well taken care of.
  • The frosted stickers/film are easy to customize. One can design any pattern and use different colors according to their liking.

Types of Frosted Stickers or Films

The types of frosted stickers/films are determined by the privacy/transparency level. All types are unique and easy to install. Interested users can install decorated films with logos, anime, or other images regardless of the film type. 

  • Basic Frost film

The basic frost or standard frost is readily available and comes in two effects. The film can partially allow light or block light. Based on privacy needs the user can cover the whole window or some sections of the window. The frosted sticker gives total privacy but allows room for light penetration.

  • Textured frost film

The textured frost is designed with a particular texture when touched. The frost changes light appearance based on the day’s progression. The light changes are affected by the texture and color. It’s the best privacy option with a balanced light.

  • Sand blast frost

This type of Frosted sticker displays crystal-like particles on the film. They are great at blurring but also amount ample light for proper room lighting. Sand blast frost is produced in different colors to fit every user's desires.

  • The Etched glass frost

The etched glass frost gives a remarkable etched-like appearance. There are clear sections that provide transparency for easy viewing.

Custom Sand Glitter Frosted Sticker material

Whether for residential or commercial reasons, Custom Sand Glitter Frosted Stickers are categorized in to different materials as follows:

  • Vinyl stickers
  • Vinyl + Holo heart shaped.
  • Vinyl + Holo broken glasses
  • Vinyl and Holo star sticker.
  • Clear stickers
  • Holographic stickers
  • Glitter stickers
  • Prismatic stickers
  • Mirror stickers
  • Static clings
  • Kraft paper stickers
  • Brushed silver
  • Brushed gold
  • Washi stickers

Custom Sand Glitter Frosted sticker applications

Custom frosted stickers and film play a huge role in various environments. The versatile uses benefit both residential and commercial users. From small size custom sand glitters frosted stickers for minor surfaces to large windows and doors. Custom Frosted stickers are always the best option for your privacy and decoration services. The frosted stickers/films come in handy in the following areas:

  • Office windows and doors
  • Bathrooms
  • Study area
  • Glass partition areas at the workplace.
  • Boardroom

Custom Sand Glitters frosted stickers are unique and important regardless of the size. For privacy options select what works best for your space to ensure it fits everyone's lighting and privacy needs.